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CRELender understands Owner/User properties as a division all their own. New and rapidly growing businesses alike, face extra challenges that require unique lending solutions. CRELender provides the right business loan structure for your business facility whether it is a real estate purchase loan, refinance for a better interest rate, or cash out. We are happy to provide those in need of financing with a variety of fast, flexible financing options.


The process of obtaining financing for owner user commercial real estate involves a hybrid approach, using the value of the real estate, the strength of the business and the experience and credit qualification of the business owner. Each individual situation often qualifies for its own opportunities, and CRELender is able to provide many different options for financing your business. We have developed relationships in both the public and private sectors who work in or alongside the SBA, and for the many situations that don’t qualify for SBA lending, such as most refinances, we are the right source for conventional loans as well.

Input your loan request online now for fast flexible financing at competitive low rates.