
In the current capital market, accessing the right lending partner is critical to maximizing the performance of an asset. The Agency Division provides competitive mortgage financing nationwide with direct access to the secondary capital markets for commercial properties. Our Agency Lending Division is well-heeled to navigate the complex landscape of commercial real estate financing, offering a complete array of acquisition, permanent, and construction products to keep you headed in the right direction. These programs offer competitive, long-term, fixed-rate loans that will meet the needs of our clients.

CRELender’s Agency Lending Program is one of America’s leading commercial finance placement groups, providing businesses with a full range of integrated commercial real estate finance services. Borrowing clients are in need of a finance partner who is able to offer stability, intuitive lending insights, and extend national reach.  The Agency program represents long-standing relationships between clients and institutional and individual capital providers. Our relationships with institutions and individuals are enhanced by industry sector, country and regional expertise, and are always closely aligned to high quality client solutions.

The Agency finance approach to debt financing is wholly geared to the diverse needs of our valued clients. Our objective is to deliver clear, creative, client-led solutions across the full range of debt products and markets. Our recognized strength in leveraged finance, syndicated loans, and commercial lending underlines our commitment to providing clients with the full spectrum of products and services. Superior services, proven performance and ready access to capital markets make us the ideal choice to help you quickly identify and capitalize on real estate opportunities. We simply give you powerful commercial real estate finance services to do more.

Input your loan request online now for fast flexible financing at competitive low rates.